short sunday morning prayer

Dear Lord,

Sometimes there seems so much to achieve on a Sunday. I confess that I find it hard to truly give you time. Yet I know that when I do stop, come before you Heavenly Father and lay down my stresses and tasks, I discover that I am rich. I find that I have more patience to achieve these concerns, more courage to approach them and more peace within them.

So I commit to always trying to spend the first hour of Sunday with you. Here I know I will find more love than I believed possible, new peace in my heart and renewed strength to face the coming week.

Thank you.

Inspirational morning prayer

Father, clear my sleepy head and fill my mind with the expectation
Awake my slow body and energize my heart with love in action.
Ignite my spirit and set this day on fire with promise.
Make the ordinary extraordinary.
Engage me, show me your kingdom alive
Help me to see that every waking moment
Is full of promise because of you.


Easter Sunday morning prayer


Today I breathe in the extraordinary victory of your life, death, and resurrection. I look and see my own feet balancing upon an amazing path of truth. I step back away from the confines of my own understanding to connect with your eternal Kingdom.

Today I stretch my heart and mind wide to let in the amazing capacity of your love. I soak in the world turned around, redeemed and awaiting renewal! And I wrap myself, my family, my hopes and my dreams in this risen hope. Lord, I place my trust firmly upon death overcome, and lift my eyes to eternity.



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