teamwork quotes for employees

“Let us work joyfully 
while we have 
the strength.”

“You can make 
steadily progress in 
all spheres of life.”

"Alone we can
 do so little, 
together we 
can do so much"

"Individual commitment 
to a group effort-
-that is what makes teamwork, 
a company work, 
a society work, 
a civilization work"

"Talent wins games, 
but teamwork 
 win championships"


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Quotes by Zig Ziglar on failure

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160+ [ ਕੈਪਸ਼ਨ ਪੰਜਾਬੀ ਵਿਚ Caption in Punjabi ] for Instagram,Boys,Girls,Couples,Best friend,Monsoon,Winter,Pets,Sweet friendship,Funny short caption for friends ,Facebook,Whatsapp

Quotes by Zig Ziglar on failure

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